Episode 3: Six Ways to Generate More Traffic to Your Website

Do you struggle to get people to actually visit your website?

I find that a lot of people think that just because they have a website, people will automatically find it and end up buying their products and services.
Unfortunately, that’s just not the case.

In today’s episode of the Business Website Blueprint Podcast, I’m sharing six ways you can generate more traffic to your website.

Quick Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links, which means when you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won’t cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing it with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway!

6 Ways to Generate More Traffic to Your Website

Tip #1 to increase traffic to your website: bring them there through your blog!

If you have a blog that has a lot of keywords that people are consistently searching on Google or Pinteres, you are more likely to come up for that search term  if you have a blog that is consistently talking about that topic.

You don’t need to release three blog posts a week, but doing one blog post a week for a couple months would help you increase the amount of people that will find your site through Google other organic searches.

Tip #2: Utilize Pinterest!

Pinterest is especially helpful if you already have a blog. All you have to do is create pins that encourage people to click over to your website from Pinterest.

If you have a blog already, you can create a simple Pinterest graphic with your blog title on it and a brief description. When someone sees your pin they’ll click on it and go to your blog, and then they may end up exploring the rest of your site to see what products and services you have to offer.

Pinterest is an amazing visual search platform that people go on way more often than you think. They’re not just going on there to search for DIY projects. They’re going on there to learn, and they usually have a specific goal in mind for what they’re looking for.

If you’re really conscious about what search terms and keywords you’re using, you’re more likely to show up in Pinterest when someone is searching for anything related to your business.

Tip #3 to increase traffic to your website: Start a podcast!

A podcast is a really great and simple way to get more people to trust in you and visit your site to learn more, grab your freebie, to read your testimonials, to see what you have to offer, and eventually purchase from you.

Having a podcast allows you to briefly mention something like “Hey friend, you can grab this freebie on my website!” or “Hey, check out my services on my website!” and that’s going to get more people funneling over there to see what you have to offer.

Tip #4: Social Media

Social media can be a little bit of a beast, but if you have a good workflow set up with how you run your business’s social media, it can be really easy and streamlined for you to come up with a whole batch of social media posts that you can then schedule out in advance. When you follow this method, it doesn’t take a whole lot of time to create a consistent social media presence.

When people see your social media posts that have a clear call to action, they’ll come visit your website in order to get whatever you’re talking about in the social media post. This can be done through Reels, TikToks, Instagram posts, carousels, Facebook posts, etc. Any of these methods can be very helpful in generating more traffic to your website.

Tip #5 to increase traffic to your website: Grow Your Email List

If somebody grabs your freebie, you’ll be able to build that connection and that know, like, and trust factor with them through sending consistent emails.

Again, this doesn’t have to take a ton of time. Sending even one email a week that points them to something on your site (a blog post, your services, etc) will help keep you front of mind so that if they need help with whatever you offer, you’re the first one they think of.

If you need an email marketing company, I highly recommend Flodesk. They make sending a beautiful, branded email to your list a breeze, and they never charge extra as your subscriber list grows!

Tip #6: Be a guest on another business's podcast or blog

Not many people utilize this tip to get more traffic to their website, but it is super effective!

When you’re a guest on another business’s blog pr podcast, you’re targeting the people who already know, like, and trust that brand, and may already be somewhat primed and ready to purchase your products or services.

This is a great tip to try if you have any relationships with other business owners that serve a similar niche to you. They can share the blog post you wrote or they can have you as a guest on their podcast, and that will drive their listeners or their readers over to what you have to offer.

Ready to get your site ready for all that new website traffic?

These are just some simple ways that you can generate more traffic to your website, but they are highly effective and they will get people over there more consistently.

If you are ready to create a website that converts, that’s beautiful, that you are so incredibly proud of as the home for your business, come and book your free call with me so we can get you set up with my VIP website design process.

During your VIP Days, we will get your website built in five days or less without losing any quality at all. I can totally rework your website if you have one already, and if you don’t have one yet we can build it from scratch.

I’m so excited to help you further the mission of your business, reach more people, and help change lives with your product or service.

Go check out everything that’s included in my services and get your free call booked with me!

With love,




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