Episode 4: Five Essential Pages to Include On Your Business Website

Do you have a business website already, but you’re not really sure what pages you need and you just want to make sure you have everything?

Or maybe you don’t even have a website yet and you’re wondering where to start with the pages you should have?

In this episode of the Business Website Blueprint podcast, I’m covering the five essential pages that you should include on your business website to help convert the people who are visiting your site into paying customers.

Quick Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links, which means when you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won’t cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing it with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway!

5 Essential Pages to Include on Your Business Website

The first essential page to include on your business website: the Home page

The first page that every website should have is of course your home page.

The home page will take your client or customer on a journey. You want to walk them through what their pain points are and how your product or services can solve those pain points.

Your home page should also include any freebies you have so that the website vistors can get that quick win with you and build that trust in you.

You can also include any trust builders you have, like testimonials, your blog posts, podcast episodes, etc.

It’s important that your home page has clear and concise call to actions, taking them to your products and services pages so that they know exactly where to go to work with you or purchase your products.

When planning out the organization of your home page, it’s really helpful to ask yourself, “what are the first three things I want someone to do when they land on my website and does my homepage reflect that?”

The second essential page to include on your business website: the About page

The second page that you should have on your business website is your about page.

I see a lot of business owners whose about page focuses on all the things about them – what they can do, what they’ve done to get to where they are, etc. It’s helpful to remember that you’re about page is still about your customer or client, and it should be talking about how their life would change/improve if they utilize your products or services.

You can have a small section sharing random facts about you so your website visitors can connect with you on a personal level, but most of your about page should still be directly talking about your potential client or customer and how your product and service will help them achieve their goals.

The third essential page to include on your business website: the Services/Shop page

The third page that every business website should have is a services page (if you’re a service-based business) or a shop page if you’re selling actual products.

Again, ask yourself, “what is my potential client or customer’s actual purpose for being on my website?

My guess would be that you want them to invest with you, to trust you and not your competitors. You need to make sure that you have a page that’s really easy for them to navigate showcasing your services or products. Make sure it’s easy for them to navigate through your different product/service categories.

The fourth essential page to include on your business website: the Blog page

The fourth page that many business websites should have is a blog page.

Again, this is a great way to build trust with people, to give them quick wins, and to teach them a little bit more about what you have to offer so that they build that trust with you.

There is a big misconception that blogs take a lot of time to maintain, which is not the case. You don’t have to write a ton of blog posts, but it’s a really great way to get more people coming to your site for the freebies, and then you can promote your paid products and services at the end of the blog post.

The fifth essential page to include on your business website: the contact page

The fifth page you should have on your website is a contact page.

If people have questions about what you offer or they want to collaborate with you, they should have a really easy way to connect with you.

You don’t want them to have to take the time to copy your email, open their email account, paste it in, etc. If you have a contact page with a really simple form that visitors can fill out, that is a great way to make it easy for them to connect with you and ask any questions they have.

You can also set the form up to automatically email you a notification that a new submission has been entered, that way you never accidentally overlook a submission and lose out on the sale altogether.

Ready for a business website that has everything you need?

Depending on your business, you may have other pages outside of the pages that I mentioned.

However, I want you to remember that you don’t need to have 10 million pages that are going to overwhelm your visitor.

If you need help improving your website or getting your website built from scratch, I would absolutely be honored to help you. I offer VIP website design days where we will get your entire site built in just a few days, fully optimized for SEO so you can get that organic traffic coming to your site, and totally customized to fit your business.

You’ll be amazed at what can happen in just a few days for your website. If you’re ready, book your free call with me so we can get you set up with my VIP website design process.

With love,




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