Episode 9: Can You Really Get a Beautiful Website Built in Just a Few Days? Breaking Down my VIP Design Day Process

Have you been dreaming of having a website that is totally custom to your business, built for you, but you’ve been putting it off because you think it’s going to take weeks or months on end?

What if I told you that having a custom website designed for your business didn’t need to take forever?

In this episode of the Business Website Blueprint Podcast, I’m walking you through my website design process, through what I call “VIP Design Days.”

Quick Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links, which means when you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won’t cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing it with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway!

Pinterest pin with a woman typing on her laptop in the background, with a light purple rectangle over top, and the title "Can You Really Get a Beautiful Website Built in Just a Few Days? Breaking Down my VIP Design Day Process."

FAQ #1: "What Happens During a VIP Design Day?"

During your VIP Design Days, I am focused solely on your project, and I get it done quickly so you can start earning more revenue in your business.

With the VIP Design Days, you get a website that is fully SEO friendly, completely mobile optimized and built with your vision in mind.

FAQ #2: "What Do You Need From Me for the VIP Design Days?"

When you become a client of mine, we go through my project workflow where I assign you your “homework”.

Your homework consists of:

  • The written content for your website
  • Any photos you want included in the website
  • Getting me all of the login info for any tech platforms I am integrating with your website

I gather your homework in my project management platform, which is your one-stop shop to ask me any questions you have before I start designing, see what task I’m currently working on while I design your website, and to drop your revisions.

I also send you my website and branding questionnaire where I get all the info I need from you to build a website you will love. In the form, I ask you questions about your vision and work hard to pull that vision out of you so that I can make sure I’m building a website that is exactly what you’re looking for.

FAQ #3: "Do I Have to Be On Zoom With You All Day During My VIP Design Days?"

Absolutely not!

For the VIP Design Days, you get to schedule which days work best for you.

During your VIP days, you’re not going to be stuck in front of a computer with me while I’m designing. You simply need to be easy to reach with your phone nearby and a phone messaging app like Voxer or Facebook Messenger. This allows me to easily message you if I have a question as I’m working. By responding to my question quickly, I’m able to keep moving forward so we don’t waste any time during your VIP Days.

FAQ #4: "What if I Want Changes Made to the Pages You Design During My VIP Design Days?"

With each page of your website, you also get two revisions per page.

For example, I usually start with the home page of your website. I’ll get all of the content in there, get it designed beautifully, and then I’ll shoot you a notification in our project management platform to alert you that that page is ready for first revision. I often record a short video in there as well, walking you through what I did, why I did things a certain way, and I’ll tell you exactly how you can get your revisions to me.

When you make the revisions, you’ll simply just go through the page and say “I like this. I want to tweak this. Can we move this here? Can we take this out?” That whole list will count as your first set of revisions for that page.

Once you send me your first set of revisions, I’ll make those changes, and then I’ll let you know in our project platform that it is ready for second revision.

Again, you’ll get two full sets of revisions with each page. This allows us to make sure every single page is exactly what you’re envisioning!

FAQ #5: "What If I Need Help Once The VIP Design Days are Done?"

Once the VIP Design Days are done and your website is fully built, I will also send you a custom website tutorial video where I walk you through how to maintain and update your website on your own, without the fear of breaking it. I want you to feel confident in making any changes you need to going forward! I include the custom website tutorial video so that you feel comfortable making any changes to your site in the future.

Not only that, but you also get a custom website launch graphic from me so that you can announce your new website on social media, AND you get 30 days of support from me after the project is complete. That way, if you come across a question that I didn’t answer in the tutorial video or just something you weren’t expecting and you don’t know how to do it, you still have that support from me to get all of your website questions answered.

Examples of Recent VIP Design Day Projects I've Completed:

Let me walk you through a couple projects I’ve done through this VIP Design Day format.

  • In the last couple years, I had a breast milk jewelry client (yes, that’s a thing.) We built her website in five days, and since her website was built, she has sold over $1.4 million dollars in products from her website. You can view her project here.
  • I also had a client who creates audio recordings for kids, who reached out to me to build a membership for parents to download the audio recordings she creates. I built out her entire website and membership in just four days, and since we built her site just a couple months ago, she has had over 100 members join her paid membership. You can view her project here.
  • I did another five day design for a Teachers Pay Teachers seller, who wanted a membership to sell her program that helps teachers teach writing. She launched it to her Instagram following of over 100, 000 followers, and she’s gotten a ton of members as well. You can view that project here.
  • My most recent project was a three day design where I helped a client of mine launch her editing business for independent romance authors. Check out her project here!

Want to see more projects I’ve completed? You can view all of my VIP Design Day projects here!

Ready to have your website built in just a few short days?

As you can see, the VIP Design Day package can work with any type of business. Whether you’re a service based business or product based business, I can make a website that is exactly what you’re looking for.

Most simple websites take about three days to complete, but we may have to add on a few additional days if you need help setting up a course, membership, or a shop to sell products.

I still have a few spots available this coming month for your VIP Design Days, so if you are ready to take your website to the next level, come and schedule your free call with me here. We’ll hop on a call, talk through the process, and I’ll answer any questions you have. I’m so excited to help you take the “home” of your business, AKA your website, to the next level.




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