Episode 12: Three Components of a Website that Actually Converts

If you have a business and you have a business website, you want a website that converts, one that can actually work for you and help you make sales. You don’t want a website that is just something pretty that people go to look at, but they don’t actually buy.

Here at Arianna Vernier Design, we’re all about building business websites that are not only beautiful, but that have brains and actually works for your business – helping you make those sales.

In this episode of the Business Website Blueprint Podcast, I’m going to walk you through three components of a website that actually converts.

Quick Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links, which means when you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won’t cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing it with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway!

Pinterest pin with a laptop in the background, with a light blue rectangle over top, and the title "3 Components of a Website that Actually Converts"

First Component of a Website that Converts: It Solves Your Client or Customer's Pain Points

The first thing your website needs to do in order to actually convert is to solve your ideal client or customer’s pain points. This is done through the copy on your website.

Website copy is any written info that someone can read on a website. Your website copy needs to be geared towards what your ideal client or customer is struggling with, and it needs to tell them how your product or service can help solve those pain points.

If your website copy is just a bunch of fluff and doesn’t actually tell people how your product or service can help them, then they’re probably going to end up leaving your site and going to somebody else that can help them.

If you need help improving your website copy, make sure you grab the Clear and Concise Website Copy Guide here!

Website that Converts Component #2: It Portrays Your Ideal Customer or Client as the Hero of the Story

The second component of a website that converts is that it portrays your ideal client or customer as the hero of the story, instead of yourself.

This concept actually comes from the book “Building a Story Brand” by Donald Miller. In the book he talks about how you need to portray your ideal client or customer as the hero, and yourself as the guide.

Remember, you are not the hero. You’re not the one that’s going to come in and save the day. Your ideal customer or client is going to save the day for themselves, but you’re going to guide them and show them how they can do it. You’ll show them how they can take those steps to change their life or get a product that’s going to help them in some way to improve their business or life.

Remember, you want to make sure your website showcases how your ideal client or customer will utilize the tools or services you provide, but they are the ones saving the day.

Third Component of a Website that Converts: It Solves Your Client or Customer's Pain Points

The third component of a website that actually converts is that it needs to be simple and easy to use, with multiple calls to action.

If you only tell somebody one time to go and shop your products or services and they miss that one time, they’re not going to know what to do, and they’re probably not going to end up buying your products or services.

If a potential client or customer has to scroll all the way back to the top of your website just to find your menu bar with your services page, shop page, ect, they’re a lot less likely to actually do it. If you have a call to action multiple times throughout your website, website visitors are much more likely to see it multiple times and end up clicking on it.

If you’re not sure exactly what you need to include on your website, make sure you check out The Five Essential Components That Every Business Website Needs to Have.

Ready to take your business website to the next level?

If you’re building your website from scratch, make sure to go and check out the website templates that I offer, which also come with access to the “Wow, What a Website” course. This course walks you through how to get every single thing in your website set up, and makes it super streamlined so you don’t hit any roadblocks as you build your website. You can find the templates here.

If you have any questions about creating a website that converts, feel free to send me a message on Instagram, or book a free call to chat about your website needs here.




Clear and Concise
Website Copy

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