Episode 18: Three Strategies I Implemented to Help My Client Sell Her Membership on Her Website

In last week’s blog post, I talked about the different membership and course hosting options that I recommend.

In this episode of the Business Website Blueprint Podcast, I want to share with you three strategies that I implemented to help my client sell over 250 memberships on her website in just 4 months.

Quick Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links, which means when you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won’t cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing it with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway!

Pinterest pin with girl on computer in background, with a light blue rectangle over top, and the title "3 Strategies I Implemented to Help My Client Sell Her Membership on Her Website"

The First Strategy We Implemented to Sell the Membership: Consistent Calls to Action

The first strategy we implemented on  my client’s website to help her sell her membership is that we had very consistent calls to action.

There isn’t just one spot on her website that says “join here.” It’s in the header, it’s in the footer, it’s mentioned multiple times throughout every page.

Yes she has a specific page that breaks down exactly what’s in the membership. But all throughout her site, she’s also telling people what’s in it in a clear and concise way. She has multiple buttons encouraging them to go and sign up. People who visit her website aren’t just seeing it once. They are consistently being prompted to go and join her subscription, and this makes it really easy for them. They don’t have to get to the bottom of her page and then scroll all the way back up to the one section that had the button. They’re going to see that call to action all throughout and there are many opportunities for them to click the button and say yes to joining her membership.

Strategy #2 to Sell My Client's Membership on Her Website: A Clean, Simple Design

The second strategy that we implemented to help my client sell her membership on her website is a simple design so that her website visitors don’t get confused.

This website client sells audio recordings for kids to use in the Yoto player and the Tonies box. Since she’s a kid’s brand, she does have a lot of colors and design elements on her website because that’s who she’s appealing to.

However, even with being a kid’s brand, we still kept her website simple, even with the fun colors and design elements included. It’s not super overwhelming. We don’t have a ton of different effects on the website. There aren’t multiple different elements sliding in from all directions or anything crazy like that. It’s very simple and easy to read through.

When we do utilize different fun design elements, they are very focused around the clear calls to action, which draws more attention to them.

So how can you implement this for your business? You want to make sure that you have a simple website design that while it’s beautiful and sophisticated, it’s not overwhelming. An overwhelming website is not going to help you sell more of your courses or memberships. If you have a ton of information that loses people’s attention when they’re reading it, they’re just going to leave. You want to keep it clear, simple, and easy for people to read through.

The Third Strategy We Implemented to Sell the Membership: Clear and Concise Website Copy

The third strategy that we used to help my client sell 250 memberships in just four months was clear and concise website copy.

This client doesn’t have tons of paragraphs on her website full of information. As often as we could, we put things into bullet points that are a sentence or two long that people can easily read through and say to themselves “yes, I definitely need this.” They don’t have to spend forever making that decision. They can easily read a couple bullet points and say yes.

For your business, I want you to ask yourself how your potential clients and customers can learn about your business in the shortest amount of time, and get them to say yes to investing without needing to read a ton of information.

Ready to sell your course or membership on your website?

If you’re ready to have a course or membership that is full of people that are drooling and ready to buy, then I invite you to book a free call with me. We can chat through your needs and see if my VIP Design Day Package, where we will get your entire website and course or membership built in three to five days, is a good fit for you. I would be absolutely honored to help you set up your course or membership and help you get the results you’re looking for.




Clear and Concise
Website Copy

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