Episode 28: Three Ways to Build Trust and Authority on Your Business Website

As a business owner, you want to make sure that you are building trust and authority in what services you offer or what products you’re selling.

In this episode of the Business Website Blueprint Podcast, I’m going to walk you through three ways that you can build trust and authority on your business website.

Quick Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links, which means when you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won’t cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing it with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway!

Pinterest pin with a woman on a laptop in the background, with a light blue rectangle over top, and the title "3 Ways to Build Trust and Authority On Your Business Website"

The First Way to Build Trust and Authority on Your Website: Feature Testimonials

The first way to build that trust and authority is to feature testimonials on your website from other people you’ve served, former clients, former customers, your Google reviews, etc. This is a great way to show that other people are using and loving your service or product. They’ll usually mention what it was like working with you, how much they love your product or service, and why they recommend it. This is a really great way for other people to see that you are a legit company, and that other people have been happy with your product or service.

I always recommend having your testimonials on your homepage. You can put them all in one slideshow where people can click through and look at the different testimonials one at a time.

The Second Way to Build Trust and Authority on Your Website: Have a Blog

Another really great way to build trust and authority on your business website is to have a blog where you write different blog posts that teaches about the different categories surrounding the product or service that you offer. This builds your authority because you’re teaching on the subject of your business, and you’re showing that you know what you’re talking about, that you know how to help people in whatever area your business helps them in.

If you’re interested in other reasons why you should have a blog and what else it does for your website, I recommend checking out Episode 23, “4 Reasons Why You Might Consider Adding a Blog to Your Business Website.”

Again, a blog will give your website visitors a quick win, and they’re more likely to invest in your products or services when they’ve already received that quick win and they’ve built trust in you through your free resources.

The Third Way to Build Trust and Authority on Your Website: Showcase Your Client or Customer as the Hero of the Story

The third way to build trust and authority on your business website is to showcase your customer or client as the hero of the story. I’ve talked about this multiple times, but you want to make sure that the language on your website is showcasing your website visitor as the hero of their own story and not showcasing you, the business owner, as the hero. You are the guide. You are the one who has a service that’s going to help them get to where they want to go, but they are going to be the ones who actually change their lives and improve their lives for the better.

When you make sure that your website is focused on showcasing your potential client or customer as the hero, you’re helping your website visitors put themselves into the shoes of the person they want to be. When you do that, they’re more likely to see that the service or product you’re offering is going to help them get to the point that they want to be at.




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